For the past year, my roommate has been volunteering at I Have a Dream of Asheville, an organization that offers tutoring and mentoring to children from low-income households. Thanks to her efforts, on Saturday the "Dreamers" and the Bulldogs came together in an epic dodgeball tournament. I stopped by to take some pictures and enjoy the lively atmosphere. Campus clubs and organizations joined the tournament to build camaraderie, and sports teams joined forces to get their adrenaline pumping. Every team had one or more students from I Have a Dream, and participants were encouraged to donate books to the kids. Having never before been to a dodgeball tournament (the last time I experienced this sport was in elementary school), I wasn't sure what to expect. To be honest, I had prepared myself for chaos, with so many people running around and chucking balls at one another. Instead, I found that the event was extremely well-organized, and the atmosphere full of excitement and energy. Although I did not sign up to play on a team, I had a great time watching the players in action and getting to know some of the Dreamers. I had a pretty tough time taking action shots with my camera, but I was sure to take as many pictures as I could so I would have some to share with you. I had an awesome time. If I were going to be here next year, I would definitely organize a team and get in on the action!!