Exam Breakfast

As much as we may dread exam week, which is now upon us and in full swing, one of the the best things happens during this time--Exam Breakfast, also known as Late Night Breakfast.
So, do you have Late Night Breakfast at your school?  It's a really fun way for students to relieve stress, enjoy delicious food, and get some energy for exams.  Last night, my friends and I attended this event, held on the evening of the second day of exams, and enjoyed yummy breakfast foods and a wide variety of fruit. 

The really nice thing about Exam Breakfast is that some of our professors volunteer to act as "waiters," clearing tables and chatting with students.  It's always fun to see our professors outside of the classroom setting, so we enjoyed chatting with them last night.  Something else that is awesome about Late Night Breakfast is that there is karaoke.  Although it's hard to muster up the courage to sing in front of friends and strangers, students love it!  We got to see some really fun renditions of Elton John, Queen, and Lady Gaga.  Because the event is held to help students relax after the first few days of exams, a lot of students attend.  We arrived 45 minutes early, and were not even first in line.  So many people attended to see friends, let off steam, and of course, eat, so the atmosphere was loud, exciting, and really warm.  Now that I had breakfast for dinner, I'm ready to conquer the remainder of exams in my path! 


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