Of the UNC Asheville residence halls that are not under construction or renovation, Mills Hall is the last residence hall left to present in the “411” housing posts. Mills is unique to UNC Asheville dorms in that it allows students to live in suites that include a furnished common area, or den. This type of living arrangement is ideal for a group of friends who wish to live together but do not want to move to an apartment or house off campus. The set-up in this particular residence hall is two double rooms and a shared bathroom and common area. One of the best things about Mills is that although the rooms are a bit smaller than those of other residence halls, there is a lot of room for storage built into the suite. For example, the bathroom has a number of shelves and drawers in which students can keep toiletries and cosmetics; the hallway is lined with sturdy shelves for storing food, books, or kitchen supplies; and the rooms have huge wardrobes that make storing clothes and personal items a breeze. Speaking of breezes, as the spring weather approaches, Mills residents will start spending more time enjoying the beautiful weather--perhaps over a game of volleyball at the volleyball court located behind the residence hall. Sounds great, right? Check out the pictures and find out for yourself!
Amenities Include:
- One microwave-refrigerator per suite
- Carpeted rooms
- A shared den/living room space
- Air-conditioning
- Laundry room
- TV lounge
- Vending area
- Several study lounges
- Computer lab with free printing (bring your own paper)
- High-speed Internet - one port per student and wireless hot spots
- Free basic cable service
- Community kitchen
- Outdoor activity/volleyball court
- Adjacent to the Highsmith University Union
Pictures of a "typical" Mills suite
A view of Mills from the street
Here is the shared living room space; each room comes furnished with armchair, couch, coffee table (and of course the combination micro-fridge)
The hallway leading to the double rooms has a lot of storage on these shelves; this suit is definitely taking advantage of this built-in space!
Bathroom part one
Another view of the bathroom. They were doing dishes when I came by, but you can still see how much counter space is available here!
A typical Mills bedroom. Many students opt to bunk their beds to create mor space in the room. These students have opened up the room a bit by raising their beds and storing dressers and other items in the space beneath.
Mills got new furniture this year; you can see the upgraded wardrobe space, dresser, and bedframes in this picture.
Finally, here is the floor plan for Mills:

My first choice was Founders but now that I'm in MILLS I absolutely love it! I'm living there next year and hopefully the year after too! :D
I love that Mills Hall floor plan :P
Can the mills beds be raised to fit the desks underneith it??