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North Asheville Tailgate Market

Yesterday morning, I managed to wake up early enough to enjoy one of the most popular weekend activities on campus, the North Asheville Tailgate Market. This open air market is held in one of the parking lots here at UNC Asheville and draws a diverse crowd of visitors united by their appreciation for the locally grown and the homemade. Usually, I'm too busy (or sleepy) to make it to the market, so it was a new experience for me. I was impressed with the variety of goods and foods offered, as well as with the enthusiasm of the customers and vendors alike. The local musicians who performed for tips created a welcoming and light-hearted atmosphere, and made the experience as relaxing as it was exciting. If you're an Asheville local, I would highly recommend a trip to the North Asheville Tailgate Market. If you're from out of town, but are planning to make a trip to visit our campus, try to come down over a weekend, so you can experience one of the attractions of our campus community. Get ready to have fun!

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